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Angele Alook

  1. Alook co-authored a Canadian best-seller The End of This World: Climate Justice in So-called Canada and attended UNFCCC COPs 25 and 27 with the York University delegation and COP26 with the Indigenous Climate Action delegation. A. Alook is a co-PI on the York-funded project Indigenous Climate Leadership and Self-Determined Futures and a member of Just Powers, a SSHRC-funded project and has produced a documentary called Pikopaywin: It is Broken, featuring stories by Indigenous traditional land users, environmental officers, and elders. A. Alook works on just transition of Alberta’s economy and climate change impacts. Angele Alook is a co-applicant, contributing to stakeholder engagement and policy advice (Work Packages 2, 3).


A. Alook is Assistant Professor in the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, York University. A. Alook specializes in Indigenous feminisms, life-course approaches, Indigenous research methodologies and cultural identity, and the political economy of oil and gas in Alberta

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